The new standard in voter engagement and turnout
Campaigns, done well, have the power to shape politics and policy while strengthening communities. In today’s complex political landscape, Vote Blue reaches voters through transformational one-on-one conversations that power electoral wins.
The Vote Blue team is truly extraordinary in their human, community-centered approach to organizing. Led by an accomplished group of field campaigners, Vote Blue has a track record of delivering the margin of victory in close elections at the local, state, and national levels. Their objective is to leave each community stronger than they found it, building shared connection with voters through genuine conversation.
The main objective of our brand building engagement? To increase national recruitment. Vote Blue’s refreshed brand identity blends a tech-forward logo mark with a community-centric illustrated visual system to achieve an approachable yet modern feel.
Delivering pivotal electoral wins for Democrats by mobilizing Americans to Vote Blue.
Brand Strategy
Internal Identity
Visual Identity

“Made Better Brands is the best. Emily really got to know our company and our values, to the point where she could articulate it even better than we could. Her talented design team created imagery that perfectly told our story, and they helped us turn our brand strategy and identity into an awesome website that I now show off to everyone. The icing on the cake is that their team is incredibly fun and easy to work with. We tell everyone we know to hire Made Better Brands.”
— Sasha Rosen, President